Wednesday, April 10, 2024

I Treated the RV Ceiling Water Stains—What a Challenge, But It Worked Beautifully!

 That Was A Nasty Water Stain!

How Will I Get That Out? It Surrounded the Skylight!

After Jon had replaced the cracked skylight, it was time to treat the water stains on the motorhome shower ceiling. That was my job, and I was nervous about ruining the carpet-like fabric on the ceiling.

I watched several YouTube videos and tested a 1:1 bleach and water solution in a corner of the shower ceiling. The dark stain was so ugly that I figured I couldn’t make it worse. The good news was that it was just a stain--there was no moldy smell.

After taping around the ceiling and applying plastic to protect the wallpaper, I was ready to start. I masked and gloved for protection, then mixed my bleach solution in a spray bottle--1 cup of bleach with 1 cup of water. My first attempt was to apply the solution with a sponge. It was working but was too slow and drippy.

I Sponged 1:1 Bleach Solution onto the RV Ceiling
Next, I tried painting the bleach solution onto the ceiling with foam paintbrushes. It was still too drippy. I also learned to pat and not rub the ceiling to prevent roughing up the texture of the fabric.
I Tried Painting Bleach Solution On With Foam Brushes
Finally, I resorted to blasting the ceiling with the spray bottle of 1:1 bleach solution. When it was wet enough to drip, I stopped spraying and watched. The stains started disappearing before my eyes! A mysterious yellow stain appeared in one spot—I sopped it away with a paper towel.
I Sprayed a 1:1 Bleach Solution on the Stained RV Ceiling

I waited a day for the ceiling to dry and to see if the stains were gone. Nope. The stains were lighter but still visible. I hit it again with the spray bleach solution. It took four treatments over a week before I was satisfied. Jon says it looks as good as new!

The Stains are Gone After Four Treatments!

We’re almost ready for a road trip in our RV! Follow us on my Facebook page at

I hope you enjoy reading about our previous road trips and life in Mexico in my Healthy Living in Mexico 5-book Series. It is available in all Amazon markets and is free with Kindle Unlimited membership.

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  1. Wow, great job! You are persistent to do that four times, but it worked. I would be very happy about that too!

    1. Thanks! The YouTube videos I watched showed what to do and what it looked like after one treatment (still yuck), but only said it would take more than once. Now I know!
